Emergency Go-Kit
Developing an “EMERGENCY GO KIT”
Emergency planning includes having an Emergency Go Kit. Department heads should consider creating a GO KIT for their areas, at a minimum plan for quantities required for three (3) days of confinement.
The following suggested supplies and emergency items may be included in the Go-Kit:
- Duct Tape - 2 -4 rolls
- Toilet supplies
- Scissors
- 2 – Portable battery-powered radios
- Battery-powered television
- Extra batteries
- Batteries
- Towels
- Flashlights
- Water bottles
- Whistle (to signal for help)
- Dust Mask (to help filter contaminated air)
- First aid kits- medications as may be need
- Non-perishable food items (for example, granola bars, can goods)
- Can opener (for food)