Flyers, Posters and Banner Policy
- Only flyers and posters from registered student organizations and departments will be allowed.
- Before posting a flyer or poster in the Library, the flyer and/or poster must be date stamped by the Library Administration office.
- The flyer and/or poster must be no larger than 2’ x 2 1/2’ and posted only on the designated area (Bulletin Board by the entrance).
- No flyer or poster may remain posted longer than two weeks. Flyers or posters for programs of prolonged duration that are university sponsored may remain longer than the two week period at the Library’s discretion.
- No organization may post, exhibit or carry a sign for the purpose of non-permissible solicitation or advertising; signs that contain material that is obscene, libelous or that is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.
- No posters, flyers or banners are allowed on the trees, bushes, sculptures, or building.