General Rules & Regulations
In order to create an optimum environment for study, research, and learning, Library patrons are asked to adhere to the following regulations:
- Excessive Noise. The Library understands verbal interaction is necessary for group study activities, as well as conducting business at the public service desks. However, Library patrons should be considerate of other students, faculty, and staff who are reading and studying by keeping voice and other sound levels as low as possible. Electronic devices without headphones, such as radios, cannot be used in the Library. Cell phones should be set to “Mute” (lights, vibrate) so as not to disturb other Library users. Cell phone use in the Library should be limited to public areas such as the atrium, balconies, and elevator vestibules, or taken outside, and not in the study areas. Individuals and groups continuing to make excessive noise will be asked to leave the Building if they do not follow the instructions of Library staff.
- Use of furniture and equipment. Library furniture is for the exclusive use of patrons who are reading or studying. Furniture should not be relocated or used for sleeping, as footrests, etc. Computers, copiers, fax machines and telephones located at public service desks and in offices are for the use of Library staff; patrons are referred to the equipment in the building available for public use. To prevent damage to furniture and injuries to persons; one person per chair.
- Library materials. After using materials, please place them in the "sorting" area located on each stack floor or designated book trucks. Items may also be left on tables. Do not re-shelve materials or leave them where they can be damaged: on the floor, stacked too high, on copy machines, etc.
- Food and beverages. In general, food and beverages may be consumed in the Library, however, Library users should use caution to ensure that materials and equipment are not damaged by spillage from food or drink. Beverages should be in sealed/closed containers. Food and Drink containers should not be placed on books or bookshelves. Posted signage designates those areas where food and beverages are not permitted.
- Waste paper and trash. Patrons should clean up after themselves by placing waste paper and other trash, such as beverage and food containers, in waste receptacles located throughout the Library. Use of designated paper “recycling” bins is encouraged as appropriate.
- Footwear required. University environmental health and safety regulations require footwear to be worn at all times in campus buildings, including the Library.
Library users will treat staff and other library users with courtesy and respect. Anyone engaging in disruptive behavior may be denied further access to the Library. Repeated rule violations will be reported to the Dean of Students and may result in disciplinary action.