Section III. Officers & Duties
Section 3.01 Title of Officers
The officers of the Council shall be Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Parliamentarian, Historian, and Ex Officio.
Section 3.02 Duties
(a) Chairperson
The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Council and chair the Executive Committee; abide by the stated rules of order when conducting meetings; refer all matters submitted for the Council’s attention to the appropriate committee(s) and /or to the President; maintain and update a calendar of events relevant to the Council for the coming year; responsible for constructing and disseminating an agenda for Executive Council and general council meetings; prepare a written annual report of the past year’s activities and progress and make it available to all members of the Council and the President prior to the August meeting; serve as ex-officio member of all Council committees; serve as Council representative at most official functions, including Administrative Forum, Commencement, etc.) and serve as liaison to the President, both keeping the President informed regarding concerns of the Council and seeking the President’s support and advice on the behalf of the Council.
(b) Vice Chairperson
The Vice Chairperson shall preside over the Council in the absence of the Chairperson or in the event the Chairperson requests the Vice Chairperson to serve during the course of a meeting; assist the Chairperson in performing leadership responsibilities; accept names of persons interested in serving on standing committees and make appointments on the basis of the person’s preference where possible or, in the absence of volunteers, make the necessary appointments to committees in consultation with the Executive Committee; make appointments to fill regularly occurring vacancies on committees in consultation with the Executive Committee; call a meeting of any committee that is not fulfilling its responsibilities; and make and distribute yearly, immediately following appointments, a list of Council committees and their members to all Council members.
(c) Treasurer
The Treasurer will be responsible for recording and maintaining the financial aspects of Council function to include the annual reports and Council’s Textbook Scholarship funds.
(d) Secretary
The Secretary will be responsible for recording the minutes of each Executive and General Council meetings, distributing the minutes to representatives at least five (5) working days before each scheduled meeting of the Council; record, collect, receive, and maintain at a central location minutes of Executive and General council meetings; reserve location for Executive and General Council meetings; notify Executive and General council members of meeting dates and locations.
(e) Parliamentarian
The council Parliamentarian will ensure that the Chairperson or presiding officer abides by the stated rules of order during meetings and serve as a resource to Council officers and membership regarding the rules and usage of the stated rules of order and the training of all members in parliamentary procedure. The Parliamentarian shall also form and oversea a committee that will review and /or create all amendments to the bylaws; resolutions; and any legislative media for the council to act upon.
(f) Historian
The Historian will act as public relation officer within the University community; prepare and maintain a historical record of the Council, including purpose and objective; maintain a pictorial record of Council members; and maintain a pictorial and written record of important Council functions or events. The historical record will be kept in the official Council Album and deposited with the Council’s official records in the Special Collections section of the Â鶹¹ÙÍø Library.
(g) Ex-Officio
In the interest of continuity in the Council’s work, immediately following a Chairperson’s term of office, the vacating Chairperson shall become an Ex-Officio for one year to act in an advisory capacity to the Council and the Executive Committee. Unless re-elected as a representative, or completing a term as an elected representative, the Past Chairperson shall be a non-voting member of the Council.
Section 3.03 Election
The Elections committee shall coordinate and validate all elections of officers. The following officers-Chair-elect, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and the Historian- shall be nominated by Staff Council in the July meeting of each year and elected at the August meeting of each year and assume duties on September 1st of each year. Should the nominee’s term expire by August 31st of that year and the nominee not be elected to Council for the next year then his/her nomination will be withdrawn. If there are no nominees for an officer seat, then the Chair may appoint an interim officer until an official election can be held. The election date will be decided by the Executive Committee. A simple majority of the quorum present and voting is required for election.
Section 3.04 Terms of Office
The term for the Chair and Vice Chair shall be two years to allow time for agenda items to be realized systematically. The term of office for the remaining council officers shall be one year. A representative shall not hold more than one office at a time, and no representative shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. However, a representative who assumes an unexpired term for less than six months may be elected for two full consecutive terms.
Section 3.05 Unexpired Terms
In the event that the Chairperson is unable to complete the elected term of office, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the vacant office for the length of the un expired term. In the event that the Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, or Historian becomes vacant, a special election shall be held by the Chairperson in order to fill the vacant office for the remainder of the term by a simple majority vote of the quorum present and voting. Such elections may be held at any regular meeting of the Council.
Section 3.06 Transfer of Records
Current Council business shall be transferred from outgoing officers to incoming officers. Official records of the Council are subject to the Open Records Act and will be made available for inspection upon request. The Executive Committee shall insure the past records of the Council are maintained according to the Â鶹¹ÙÍø Records Retention Policy, and permanent storage will be in the Special Collections section of the Â鶹¹ÙÍø Library.