Faculty Senate Committee - Student Representative
University-wide Policy Committees
Student Welfare (5 Student Reps)
Propose, review, and evaluate the administrative policies for the recognition and registration of student organizations; and to mediate any dispute arising from the denial of recognition of a student group's petition for recognition; At the request of the President, review appeals from decisions of the Hearing Officer and the Dean of Students regarding student organizations and make Recommendations to the President; Advise the Vice President for Student Affairs on policies related to student organizations, social activities, student government, student recreation facilities, disabled student services, international programs, union services, residence life, and student support and counseling; Advise the Bookstore Director, the Director of the Student Health Center and the General Manager of Food Services on the development of policies and procedures; Work with the respective faculties of the various colleges to promote, support, and encourage student development through involvement and participation in the activities and programs offered by the University.
Membership: 7 Faculty members at large and 5 students; Ex officio: 1 representative from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Bookstore Director, the Director of the Student Health Center, and the General Manager of Food Services.
Student Conduct (4 Student Reps)
Consult regularly with the Assistant Director for Judicial Affairs on disciplinary policies; Recommend to the Assistant Director for Judicial Affairs and to the University changes in student disciplinary policies, rules and practices; Recommend to the University President a Standing Panel of available Hearing Officers; Upon referral by the President, review appeals of disciplinary action and make recommendations to the President.
Membership: 1 Faculty member from each undergraduate college, 1 Faculty member at large, and 4 students; Ex officio: Assistant Director for Judicial Affairs.
Information Technology (1 UG Student Rep, 1 GR Student Rep)
Recommends policies pertaining to University, Faculty, and Student needs in information technology; Provide liaison among Faculty, Students, and Administration concerning information technology.
Membership: 1 Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school, 2 Faculty members at large, 1 undergraduate student, and 1 graduate student: Ex Officio: Vice President for Information Resources and Planning, Director of the Library, and Associate Provost – Enrollment Services
Undergraduate-Centric Policy Committees
Academic Policy (2 UG Student Reps)
Recommends policies for Undergraduate admission and readmission to the University; Determining good standing, academic probation, and academic suspension; Awarding honors; Awarding of degrees and other University credentials; Publication of the official University calendar, course schedule, and catalog; Registration; Orientation of entering students; Advising of all students.
Membership: 1 Faculty member from each undergraduate college, 1 Faculty members at large, and 2 full‐time undergraduate students.
Undergraduate Curriculum (2 UG Student Reps)
Recommends policy and procedures related to curricula, degree requirements, new programs, course changes, additions and deletions; review those proposals for adherence to prescribed form; resolve any college jurisdictional conflicts arising in the development of courses, programs, and curricula; Recommend policies and procedures related to the core curriculum, monitor core curriculum courses as to objectives and outcomes, and recommend changes in the core curriculum requirements. In the case of substantial recommended changes, a review by all colleges shall be reported to the Senate.
Membership: 1 Faculty member from each college and school, 3 Faculty members at large, and 2 Students; Ex officio All undergraduate Deans and the Provost.
Undergraduate Scholarship (3 UG Student Reps)
Recommends criteria, policies, and procedures for administering all University undergraduate scholarships; make these available for public information; review the administration of these policies at least annually; Awards all University undergraduate scholarships; Serves as an Appellate Committee for issues involving undergraduate scholarships, except for athletic scholarships.
Membership: 1 Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school, 3 undergraduate students; Ex officio ‐ Director of the Office of Scholarships, Financial Aid Officer, Vice President for Business Affairs, Athletic Department Representative, Development Office Representative, Music Department Representative, and NCAA Faculty Representative
Graduate Student-Centric Policy Committees
Graduate Scholarship (2 GR Student Reps)
Recommends policy for Deans of the Graduate Schools for the awarding of all University‐administered Graduate scholarships and fellowships.
Membership: 1 Faculty member from each undergraduate college, 1 representative of the Graduate Council, 1 Faculty member at large, and 2 graduate students.
Research (2 GR Student Reps)
Receive and evaluate applications for funding from the University Research Institute, and to make pertinent recommendations; Develop and express Faculty opinion concerning the operations of administrative units directly concerning Faculty research, such as the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects and University research centers and institutes.
Membership: 1 Faculty member from each undergraduate College, 1 representative of the Graduate Council, 1 Faculty member at large, and 2 graduate students. Faculty members must be members of the Graduate Faculty; Ex officio: Dean of the Graduate School and Vice President for Research.
Campus Advisory Board-Type Committees
Library (2 UG Reps, 1 GR Rep)
Recommends policies pertaining to Faculty and student library needs; In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Director of the Library, assist in the search for a new Director.
Membership: 1 Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school, 1 Faculty member at large, 2 undergraduate students, and 1 graduate student; Ex officio: Director of the Library.
Museum (1 UG Rep, 1 GR Rep)
Act as a forum by which the Faculty and the student government may have interaction and exchange of information with the Museum Director; Assist the Museum Director with University, professionals and community connections; In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Director of the Museum, assist in the search for a new Director.
Membership: 5 Faculty members at large, 1 undergraduate student, and 1 graduate student; Ex officio: Museum Director.
Student Publication (5 Student Reps)
Determine policy, operating procedures and guidelines for all student publications; Implement and enforce the pertinent provisions of Regents' rules and Regulations and the Handbook of Operating Procedures; Impose sanctions, including removal, upon staff members of student publications as may be required; Establish, and if necessary waive, requirements and qualifications for appointees to student publications staffs; Appoint all student staff members of student publications, including editor‐in chief, associate editors, business managers, and advertising managers; Approve budgets for all student publications; Maintain a close working relation with, and seek the counsel and advice of, the Director of Student Publications; Consider complaints involving libel, obscenity, or violations of policies; Resolve disputes pertaining to publications; Approve petitions for recognition of new student publications.
Membership: 1 Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school, 1 Faculty member from Communications and 5 students; Ex officio: Director of Student Publications, 1 representative from the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs, Editor of the Prospector, and a maximum of 3 consultants.