Chapter 3: Administration
3.1 Duties of Administrative Officers
3.1.1 Chief Administrative Officer
The President is the Chief Administrative Officer of The University of Texas at El Paso (University). The duties, responsibilities, and authority are specified in the Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 20201: Presidents, Part 2, Section 4.
- Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 20102, governs the appointment of institutional administrative officers.
- Administrative officers are appointed without fixed terms and serve at the pleasure of the President. However, prior approval of the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is needed for permanent appointment, or dismissal, of Vice Presidents and Deans.
- The Board of Regents endorses the principle of reasonable consultation in the selection of administrative officers and the primary operating units and expects the President, as he or she deems appropriate, to consult in the selection process with the representatives of the faculty, staff, and student body. However, the President is responsible for executing the duties of the office and consequently shall not be bound by nominations to administrative positions by campus selection committees.
3.1.2 Vice President and Chief of Staff
The Vice President and Chief of Staff report directly to President and are responsible for providing strategic leadership and assisting the President in advancing the mission of the University by managing various programs, initiatives, and departments. The Chief of Staff serves as a resource and advisor to members of the Cabinet on high priority matters, including those that involved multiple organizations. The Vice President and Chief of Staff has general charge and responsibility for the supervision and management of the following areas and functions:
- campus safety and security;
- management of the compliance program to include compliance training, risk assessment and monitoring of compliance risks, providing an anonymous reporting mechanism for employees, managing conflict of interest issues and approval of institutional policies;
- the study and improvement of how metrics and analytics are used within a planning framework to improve organizational outcomes;
- legal advice to the University and the President, administrative officers, faculty, and staff when acting within the course and scope of their employment;
- planning and execution of targeted University events, along with providing input on space design, furnishings, and finishes in highly visible public spaces;
- planning and management of University events and conferences;
- promoting dialogue and engagement on a wide range of policy & budget issues; and
- working with elected officials, the UT System Administration and Board of Regents, and government agency officials to address concerns that affect higher education.
3.1.3 Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost is the Chief Academic Officer of the Institution and reports directly to the President. This office is responsible for all instructional programs and activities, the University library, and other instructional or academic supporting services. The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost has general charge and responsibility for the supervision and management of the following areas and functions:
- all academic colleges, schools, departments, and programs;
- recommending all members of the faculty for appointment, promotion, tenure, retention, non-retention, or dismissal for cause;
- planning, development, and evaluation of academic programs;
- fostering the development of new teaching methods;
- recommending additions and alterations to the physical plant that are needed for academic purposes;
- serving as chair of the Council of Deans;
- coordinating internal administrative review and external regulatory or accreditory consideration of academic policies, plans, and programs;
- maintenance of academic standards of The University of Texas at El Paso and of appropriate accrediting bodies;
- University Library and other instructional support services; and
- other academic and administrative responsibilities as may be assigned by the President.
3.1.4 Vice President for Business Affairs
The Vice President for Business Affairs is the Chief Financial Officer of the Institution and reports directly to the President. This office is responsible for matters of fiscal procedure, policy, financial reporting, and institutional compliance, as required by the Board of Regents or governmental bodies, and advises other executive officers on the fiscal aspects of institutional policies, plans, and programs. The Vice President for Business Affairs has general charge and responsibility for the supervision and management of the following areas and functions:
- preparation of legislative budget requests;
- preparation, implementation, and control of the University’s annual operating budget;
- formulation and implementation of accounting policies and procedures for receipt, custody, and disbursement of funds;
- all required internal and external fiscal reporting;
- risk management and insurance;
- review, approval, and administration of business contracts;
- procurement of goods and services and management of the safekeeping of University property and assets;
- human resource services;
- parking services;
- environmental health and safety;
- compliance with the Texas Public Information Act;
- assessment and collection of student tuition and fees;
- use, care, maintenance, and operation of buildings, grounds, facilities, and real estate property owned or controlled by the University;
- physical long-range campus master planning and the design and management of construction for new and remodeling projects;
- business auxiliary enterprise services, including the bookstore, food services, special events, and continuing education; and
- other finance and administrative responsibilities as assigned by the President.
3.1.5 Vice President for Student Affairs
The Vice President for Student Affairs is the Chief Student Affairs Officer of the Institution and reports directly to the President. This office is responsible for the development and administration of policies relating to students, for the development and implementation of services to students, and advises other executive officers regarding the impact on students of institutional policies, plans, and programs. The Vice President for Student Affairs has general charge and responsibility for the supervision and management of the following areas and functions:
- student conduct, discipline and grievances against students;
- student auxiliary services, including child care and housing;
- student development programs, including student government organizations and activities, Greek life and campus activities;
- promotion of student well-being through programs such as recreational sports, and counseling;
- student support services, including career advising and placement, international and ADA accommodations for students, food/housing insecurity, and student emergency services;
- official student publications;
- the registration and conduct of student organizations;
- institutional enrollment functions including recruitment, admissions, registration and records, student testing, new student orientation, financial aid, and the Military Student Success Center; and
- other student services and administrative responsibilities as may be assigned by the President.
3.1.6 Vice President for Research and Innovation
The Vice President for Research and Innovation is the Principal Administrator of sponsored research and services and reports directly to the President. This office is responsible for the development and administration of policies relating to the procurement and administration of grant, contract or sponsored research or service activities and intellectual property arising from the employment activities of University faculty and staff members. The Vice President for Research and Innovation has general charge and responsibility of the supervision and management of the following areas and functions:
- administration of grants, contracts, and other awards to the institution for sponsored research and service activities;
- development and implementation of strategies to expand and enhance research funding;
- administration of intellectual property policies and institutional patents;
- facilitating collaboration among departments to develop joint proposals to increase grants and contracts from external sources;
- compliance and accountability issues related to research, intellectual property and technology development and transfer;
- fostering effective relationships among the University community, governmental entities, foundations and institutes; and the private sector, to promote research and technology development activities; and
- other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the President.
3.1.7 Vice President for Institutional Advancement
The Vice President for Institutional Advancement is the Principal Administrator of fundraising and constituent engagement and reports directly to the President. This office is responsible for the development and administration of policies and programs related to private fundraising and constituent engagement. The Vice President for Institutional Advancement has general charge and responsibility for the supervision and management of the following areas and functions:
- development and implementation of policies and programs that enhance institutional fundraising from private external sources, foster beneficial community relations and public understanding and support for the programs of the University;
- solicitation, acceptance, processing, reporting, and administration of gifts;
- solicitation, acceptance, processing, reporting, and administration related to the naming of programs, centers, buildings, facilities, and spaces on campus;
- maintenance of the University’s constituent and gift records database;
- Gift and Endowment Compliance Committee and program;
- partnership with and oversight of the Alumni Association, including all networks or chapters; and
- other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the President.
3.1.8 Vice President for Information Resources
The Vice President for Information Resources is the Chief Information Officer of the Institution and reports directly to the President. This office is responsible for the communication and data infrastructure, data center operations, information security, application development, data and information management, customer support services, and advises other executive officers on the technology-related aspects of institutional policies, plans, and programs. The Vice President for Information Resources has general charge and responsibility for the supervision and management of the following areas and functions:
- serves as University’s Information Resources manager (IRM) as required by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR);
- development and implementation of information resource standards, policies, practices, and procedures to govern access and use of University computing resources;
- responsible for overseeing the acquisition and management of the organization's information resources, both hardware, and software;
- ensure accessibility of all Electronic and Information Resources (EIR);
- meet the requirements for the policies and procedures required for the management of all electronic state records; and
- other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the President.
3.1.9 Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents
Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents, upon approval of the President, may be appointed by the divisional Vice President. Their duties as Administrative Officers are as assigned or delegated by the divisional Vice President to whom they report.
3.1.10 Dean of the Graduate School The Dean of the Graduate School, upon approval of the President, is appointed by and reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost and is responsible for the administration of the graduate program. The Dean of the Graduate School has responsibility for:
- implementation of all academic regulations and procedures pertinent to the office;
- final certification of graduate students for graduation at commencement exercises, provided that this responsibility is delegated for each academic year by the Graduate Council;
- administrative supervision of the Graduate School;
- appointment of graduate advisors upon recommendation of the respective Department Chairs;
- approval of nominations to membership and senior membership on the Graduate Faculty and approval of temporary graduate instructors;
- development of plans for the Graduate School, program evaluations, and improvement of graduate instruction;
- advising the President and Vice President for Academic Affairs on decisions and policies regarding matters affecting graduate students and the operation and development of graduate programs;
- consulting with and informing the Deans of the colleges on planning and development of the graduate program, and on allocation of funds for teaching and research directly related to graduate instruction;
- maintenance of academic standards of The University of Texas at El Paso and of appropriate accrediting bodies; and
- submitting matters of major policy to the Graduate Assembly and Graduate Council; and
- other academic and administrative duties as may be assigned by the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost.
3.1.11 Academic Deans of Colleges and Schools
The Deans of the Academic Colleges and Schools, upon approval of the President, are appointed by and report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost. Each dean has general charge and responsibility for the following functions within their Academic College:
- implementation of all academic regulations and procedures;
- certification of students for honors and graduation at commencement exercises, provided that this responsibility is delegated for each academic year by the Faculty Senate;
- administrative supervision of academic departments and programs;
- allocation of space and facilities allocated to them annually;
- recommendations for appointment of Department Chairs;
- recommendations for faculty appointments, retention, dismissal, tenure, promotions, merit evaluations, and leaves of absence;
- development of plans for evaluation of teaching methods, evaluation of curricula, and improvement of instruction;
- recommendations on budget and budget policies
- maintenance of academic standards of the University and of appropriate accrediting bodies;
- appointment of college committees for faculty consultation and advice on any of the matters above;
- calling and conducting college faculty meetings; and
- other academic and administrative duties as may be assigned by the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost.
3.1.12 Academic Department Chairs/Program Directors
Academic Department Chairs and Program Directors, upon approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost and the President, are appointed by and report to the Dean of their College. Each Department Chair or Program Director has general charge and responsibility for the following functions within their academic department or program:
- recommendations for appointment, re-appointment, retention, dismissal, tenure, promotion, and merit salary determinations of all faculty and other department personnel;
- evaluation of faculty;
- recommendations for and management of the budget;
- expenditure control and compliance with administrative policies and procedures;
- planning, evaluation, and development of programs;
- approval of degree plans for students;
- preparation of the schedule of course offerings;
- assignment of duties, including teaching assignments and faculty workload, for faculty and staff personnel;
- assignment of allocated space and facilities;
- maintenance and security of equipment and facilities;
- appointment of all department committees and chairs of committees, unless method of composition is specified by other rules;
- solicitation of advice from the faculty;
- calling and conducting faculty meetings; and
- other departmental academic and administrative duties as may be assigned by the Dean of the College.
3.1.13 Administrative Directors
Directors are appointed by the President or the divisional Vice Presidents with the approval of the President and report to the Administrative Officer as directed. Each Director has general charge and responsibility for the following functions within their Office, Department, or Program:
- management and operation of the Office including recommendations regarding budget and personnel;
- expenditure control and compliance with administrative policies and procedures;
- recommendation of policies or procedures pertaining to the function of the Office, Department, or Program; and
- formulation and implementation of programs and activities which further the purpose of the Office, Department, or Program.
3.2 Participation of Faculty in College and Department Affairs
3.2.1 Participation in College Affairs
Because the Colleges vary in size and professional homogeneity, the degree to which faculty consultation occurs primarily at the college level or the department level may likewise differ. At the same time, coordination among the departments within each College is essential. Accordingly, each Academic Dean, in consultation with the Department Chairs, shall ensure that procedures are developed within the College for faculty consultation and participation in the areas specified below.
3.2.2 Participation in Department Affairs
Each Academic Dean, in consultation with the Department Chairs, shall ensure that procedures are developed within each department for faculty consultation and participation in the areas specified below. Department faculty shall advise their Chair (by individual consultation or through committees) concerning departmental affairs. The Department Chair is not required to follow the advice but is expected to receive and consider advice before acting on all major matters. Examples of affairs on which department faculty or their representatives should be consulted include:
- academic matters, including course offerings, degree requirements, course content, and prerequisites;
- instructional matters, including reasonable departmental guidelines (particularly in courses with multiple sections) concerning textbooks, syllabi, teaching techniques, instructional procedures, grading policies, testing and placement policies; and
- faculty personnel matters, including the appointment of new faculty and evaluation of faculty members for guidance in recommending promotions, reappointments, tenure status, and salary changes. The Department Chair shall advise his/her Academic Dean of any serious disagreements by faculty with the Chair's recommendations and policies. In addition, faculty acting individually or as a group may communicate such serious disagreements to the Dean in writing or through informal conference.
3.2.3 Administrative Organizations
The following administrative organizations facilitate the conduct of the official business of the University. Council of Deans
- The Council of Deans is composed of the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost who shall chair the Council, Associate/Assistant Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Academic Deans, Dean of Extended University and the University Librarian;
- Members of the Council of Deans meet upon call of the chair to consider such matters as need to be discussed. Primarily, the committee functions to ensure inter‑college coordination and uniformity in administering policies affecting faculty and academic programs.
3.2.4 Other Institutional University Committees
The President, each divisional Vice President, and other Administrative Officers may appoint other committees, either to conduct administrative business or to advise on matters of policy, as may be determined for the orderly conduct of University business.
3.2.5 College Committees
Each Academic Dean has authority to appoint committees within his/her college to facilitate faculty consultation or to give advice on any matter pertaining to the academic programs and administration of the College.
3.3 Normal Channels of Information
Under normal conditions, recommendations, policy statements, personnel information, grievances, and queries shall move through established administrative lines. Information requiring higher administrative awareness or approval shall move up the line as required. For academic matters, the progression is from a faculty member or departmental committee through the Department Chair, Academic Dean, Head of the Graduate School if necessary, Vice President for Academic Affairs, the President of the University, and to The University of Texas System Administration, when appropriate. Non-academic matters shall be transmitted from employee to supervisor(s) or from the advisory committee to the administrative officer who appointed the committee and then through normal supervisory channels to the appropriate Vice President, the President, and to The University of Texas System, when appropriate.
The word "through" is understood to mean that all information and documents may be forwarded with such recommendations, as each person deems appropriate, to the highest administrative level required for action or decision. Most information originating at higher levels will move down the same lines as required, but announcements and individual inquiries may be made directly.
Matters requiring action by the Faculty Senate or Standing Committees shall normally be referred to that body by the Academic Deans or higher level Administrative Officers. Matters requiring action by the Graduate Council shall normally be referred to that body by the Head of the Graduate School.