Chapter 4: Space Management
Physical space is a valuable University asset and must be used to advance the mission of the University. Space is allocated by the University and is managed by units of the University in accordance with this policy.
4.2 Space Committee
The University of Texas at El Paso Space Committee:
- Oversees the production of the annual space utilization report
- Approves guidelines for University units based on national best practices for space allocation
- Recommends annual allocation of University space for approval of the President
- Advises on the utilization and effective management of space across the University
- Evaluates requests for space re-allocation that cannot be otherwise resolved between managers.
- Promulgates procedures, standards, and guidance for management of space based on national best practices
- Ensures the availability of information about space allocation and management is available on appropriate University web sites
4.3 Space Committee Membership
The President appoints members to the Committee. The committee is co-chaired by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Business Affairs. The Space Committee includes the following members:
- Vice President for Business Affairs (Co-Chair)
- Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs (Co-Chair)
- Vice President for Information Resources
- Vice President for Research
- Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Vice President for Institutional Advancement
4.4 Annual Review
Space utilization will be reviewed by the Space Committee annually. A written report on space utilization by the Space Management Department will be reviewed by the Space Committee and submitted to the President and the Cabinet by April 30th each year.
4.5 Annual Allocation
The Space Committee will recommend to the President a space management plan that will allocate and designate the space which Cabinet members, Deans, Research Directors, and the Registrar will be responsible for managing. Space allocations for the following year will be approved in the spring semester each year.
Space Committee recommendations will take into consideration factors including but not limited to:
- Alignment with the University mission and strategic plan
- Safety standards
- Organizational and unit needs
- The cost associated with moving, remodel or renovation
- Program growth or decline, or program changes
- Contiguity of operations
- Research density
- Impact of construction and the need for temporary space
- Opportunities to improve efficiency and effective use of space
- Standards and guidelines for space allocation per person
- Adherence to the Campus Master Plan.
While contiguity of operations is a factor to be considered, space that is not being effectively used should be reassigned or repurposed.
4.6 Allocation by Subordinate Units
4.6.1 Once annual space allocations are made, Cabinet Members, Deans, and Research Directors will manage space within their areas.
4.6.2 Space for faculty and staff is generally assigned for a year, from summer through the following spring.
4.6.3 Research space may be assigned for up to three years at a time if justified by a research award, though utilization continues to be assessed annually.
4.6.4 Conversion of space (e.g. from a lab to an office) requires prior approval from the appropriate Dean or Vice President.
4.6.5 Cabinet Members, Deans, Research Directors, and the Registrar who have been allocated space to manage will designate a functional liaison for space within their unit. The liaison will help maintain proper space inventory records and improve communication about and management of space.
4.6.6 The Registrar is responsible for assigning classrooms based on scheduled semester courses.
4.7 Requests for New Space
All requests for additional space will initially be addressed by the relevant Cabinet Member, Dean, or Research Director. If space is not available by changing space allocations within their area, a proposal may be made in writing to the Space Committee with sufficient justification and analysis to support the request. If the request would move allocated space from one Dean or Vice President to another, a joint proposal, or a proposal and response if there is not agreement, should be made in writing to the Space Committee.
4.8 Core Research Facilities
Core facilities are shared research assets that need to be accessible for the research community to avoid duplication and inefficiencies. Core facilities are shared research assets that will be assigned annually to be managed by a Cabinet Member, Dean, or Research Director for research users from across the University. Departments that control Core Facilities need to make reasonable accommodations to allow access for faculty utilization.