Section IV. The Executive Committee
Section 4.01 Membership
The Executive Committee consists of the elected officers of the Council and the chairs of standing and non-standing committees.
The Executive Committee will meet monthly. Additional meetings may be called by the Chairperson, by the President, or upon request of two members of the Executive Committee. The Secretary will be responsible for notifying Committee members of meeting dates and locations and will keep minutes of all meetings. A majority of the committee membership constitutes a quorum. The minutes of the meetings shall be open to inspection as stipulated herein.
Section 4.02 Duties
The Executive Committee will consider all matters presented to it by the Chairperson, the President or designated, the Council, standing/non-standing committee chairs, or others. The Executive Committee will establish topics for the Research Ad Hoc Committees at the first Executive Committee meeting of the term in September. It will also make recommendations to assist the Chairperson in setting the agenda for Council meetings, review periodically the purpose and membership of each standing committee to assure it is functioning as intended by the Council, and assist the Vice Chairperson in appointments to the standing committees, establish, oversee and approve any event from commencement to completion o include marketing and any other relevant logistics, make recommendations to the council regarding the removal of Council members from their positions.
The Executive Committee will be chaired by the Chairperson who will make a report of the actions of the Executive Committee to the Council at each regular meeting.
Section 4.03 Term of Service
The term of a member of the Executive Committee, for the exception of the Chair and Vice Chair, will be for one year or the representative’s term as a standing committee chair.