Section V. Other Committees
Section 5.01 Standing Committees
The standing committees of the Council are: Executive Committee, Communications Committee, and Elections Committee.
Section 5.02 Chairperson
The Chairperson of a standing committee will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Council and must be a member of the Staff Council.
Section 5.03 Membership of the Committees
Each standing committee will consist of a minimum of three members. Members of the Committee, except for the Executive Committee, may be drawn from the Council or from the staff-at-large. Members of the Standing Committee will be selected by the Chairperson of the committee and appointed by the Vice Chairperson of the Council in consultation with the Executive Committee.
Section 5.04 Term of Service
Members of any standing committee will serve for a minimum of one year. The members of any standing committee may serve an unlimited number of terms but the appointment of each committee must be reviewed and approved by the majority of the Executive Committee at the end of each year.
Section 5.05 Meetings
Standing Committees will meet monthly or as convened by the committee chairperson.
Section 5.06 General Duties of all Standing Committees
The standing committees will accept business items assigned to the committee by the Executive Committee and deal with the item(s) in a responsible and timely manner. The chair will make a report to the full Council at each monthly meeting. Each Standing Committee will maintain and provide the Vice Chairperson and Council Secretary with a written report of each committee meeting. The Committee will prepare and submit an annual report, including all items placed on the committee agenda and the disposition of each, to the Vice Chairperson and Secretary of the Council by the last meeting each year.
Section 5.07 Standing Committees
(a) Communication Committee
This Committee will serve as the public relations committee of the Council by assembling and distributing a monthly newsletter via email as well as maintaining the Council website. This Committee will also work the University Communications to publicize activities of the Council; and generally, promote the Council as opportunities arise.
(b) Elections Committee
The Elections Committee will handle all nominations and elections procedures as set forth herein and also work to align campus districts on a bi-annual basis.
Section 5.07 Non-Standing Committees
(a) Research Committees
Research Committees will be established to focus on concerns and issues heard from the staff. The committee will conduct thorough research on many areas of a particular issue and devise potential solutions to the item of focus. The committee will propose workable solutions to the executive committee in May of each year. The executive committee will evaluate the proposed solution and vote to present the item to the President or reject the item back to the committee for rework. A research committee will be considered an Ad-Hoc committee. The Staff Council Chair will appoint the Chairperson of each Research Committee as outlined in section 5.02.
(b) Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc committees of the Council will be appointed by the Executive Committee as needed. The Ad Hoc committee will be disbanded when the purpose for which it was established has been served. The number of members will be determined by the Executive Committee.
(c) General Duties of all Ad Hoc Committees
The Ad Hoc committees will accept issues assigned by the Executive Committee, deal with the issue in a responsible and timely manner, and make progress reports to the Council, including a final report.