Section VI. Meetings
Section 6.01 Regular Meetings
Regular Meetings of the Council will be held monthly during the year which shall be the University’s fiscal year. An agenda will be sent to all representatives at least three (3) working days prior to the meeting. If the Chairperson and Executive Committee have no new agenda items or proposals, they reserve the right not to hold a meeting but must notify the Council.
Section 6.02 Special Meetings
Special Meetings of the Council may be called by the Chairperson or upon petition of twenty percent of the membership of the Council. Ten (10) working days’ notice should be given of any special meeting except in an emergency situation, in which a 24 hour notice will be provided to ensure a quorum of council members will be present. Only business specified in the call of the special meeting may be conducted at such a meeting.
Section 6.03 Annual Member Orientation
Mandatory attendance is required by all elected members of the Council and will be considered a regular meeting.
Section 6.04 Staff Forum
A Staff Forum may be held annually at the Council’s discretion. All eligible staff members of the University will be invited and encouraged to attend. The President of the University will be invited as guest speaker to the Staff Forum, if their presence is necessary. The purpose of the forum will be to share common interests and concerns, to pose questions, and to provide the President an opportunity to share information with staff.
Section 6.05 Quorum Required
Neither the Council nor a committee will conduct business without a quorum. A simple majority of the membership constitutes a quorum to conduct Council business or business of a committee. Motions may be passed by a simple majority of the quorum present and voting.
Section 6.06 Floor Privileges
Proposals, measures, and resolutions will be introduced on the Council floor by members of the Council. Requests to bring matters before the Council will be submitted in writing and should be forwarded to the Chair 24 hours prior to the regular meeting. Persons who are not members of the Council may be granted the right to speak, but not vote, on matters before the Council. The Chairperson will poll the Council for objections. If objections are raised, the request may only be granted by majority vote of the Council.
Section 6.07 Vote
Only elected Council members may vote. A vote can be cast in person, via conference call, teleconference, or any other electronic means from which a record can be made. In circumstances where the Chairperson deems it too close to determine majority, a roll call vote may be used. Some issues may require ballots, which again can be captured via the aforementioned methods.
Section 6.08 Agenda
Meetings of the Council will have an agenda that includes the time and place of the meeting, the order of business, and copies of any substantive proposals. The Executive Committee shall set the agenda. Items may be added to the agenda at the meeting, if approved by the majority of the members present and voting. The agenda will be published in English and in Spanish and posted in areas available to all eligible staff members. The Executive Committee will receive proposals for Council action or other presentations to the Council from any committee of the Council, from any member of the Council, from individual staff employees, or from the President or designee; refer all substantive proposals for Council action to appropriate committees for review prior to placing them on the agenda unless the Executive Committee is prepared to deal with an issue and present it to the Council; include on the agenda of a regular meeting as soon as practical all items presented from various sources; set the agenda so that the business can be disposed of in a meeting of reasonable duration; and advise the Council of the apparent need for a special meeting.
(a) Order of Business
The order of business for meetings will be as set forth in the agenda, except that the order of business may be altered by an action approved in the meeting. The order of business will be:
(i) Call to Order
(ii) Roll call
(iii) Approval of Previous Meeting’s Minutes
(iv) Executive Reports
(v) Committee Reports
(vi) Old Business
(vii) New Business
(viii) Miscellaneous (comments, announcements, tributes, etc.)
(ix) Adjournment
Section 6.08 Open Meetings
All meetings of Staff Council and its committees shall be open to all eligible staff members.
Section 6.10 Minutes
The minutes of the meetings will be open to inspection. A summary of the minutes shall be made available to all eligible staff members.